About Me

I have had an interest in all types of wildlife for as long as I can recall and have a particular interest in birds of prey and Falconry.

In 1991 I was introduced to Don Sharp from Woolaton hall natural history museum in Nottingham.

Don was one of the Founder members of the Guild of taxidermists and a much respected taxidermist and naturalist. I was invited over to spend some time training under Don and learnt a lot from my time with him.

In 1999 I was made redundant from British steel and grasped the opportunity to go into taxidermy as a full time profession . I am constantly striving to produce lifelike specimens and use the latest materials to help me achieve this. My aim is always to produce specimens that are pleasing to look at , affordable and will last for many years to come .I believe that a piece of taxidermy that is both anatomically accurate and lifelike cannot be reproduced without a knowledge and genuine interest in studying the living creature.

specimens currently available

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What You Need To Know

The law relating to Buying selling and being in possession of specimens be it mounted or dead can be a little confusing. If you find any wild animal that you think you may want preserved you must satisfy yourself that the specimen was not illegally killed. I would recommend you record as many details as possible relating to your find. At the very least you need to record the date, exact location (road number etc) any visible injuries on the specimen & a probable cause of death. Keep all the information in a safe place (with the specimen if possible) I would require all the necessary details before I would be prepared to handle a specimen and they would need to be produced if requested by any authorised person. The above text is only a very brief introduction to a very complex area of the legislation effecting taxidermy for further more detailed clarification. please visit either http://www.taxidermylaw.co.uk/ or http://animalhealth.defra.gov.uk/cites/

gallery of past work

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